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Trial Online Database - statista (Free Access until August 15, 2021)

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Statista is a digital platform for market data, global macroeconomic insights and consumer trends including for Asia Pacific, comprising data across Southeast Asia,

China, India, Australia, and Oceania. We work with government agencies, academia institutions, international schools, as well as corporate firms in the region, providing them with business data and trends for all their academic and business needs. 
The Statista Campus License offers you access to:
  1. More than 1 million statistics facts in readymade templates (XLS, PPT, PNG, PDF)
  2. Data aggregated from over 22,500 sources (including both national and international data)
  3. Over 41,000 Third-party studies
  4. Over 200,000 Market forecasts covering 40 countries
  5. Over 7,000 Dossiers compiled by our industry experts
  6. Over 16,000 Infographics (examples can be seen on: Forbes, WSJ, Financial Times, etc.)
  7. Statista exclusive content (Digital Market Outlooks and Global Consumers Survey)
  8. Market data, consumer behaviour, demographics, and opinion polls
  9. Automatic citation output in the forms of APA, Chicago, Harvard, MLA, and Bluebook
  10. IP access and remote access via EZProxy, OpenAthens, and Shibboleth
  11. usage statistics
  12. A multi-disciplinary platform which provides data across 600 industries

Trial Period until August 15th, 2021

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Username : Staff and Student ID
Password : IC / Passport Number

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Portal Statistics 2020
Sessions : 281,907 | Users : 140,285 | Page Views : 1,476,384
* via GA 2020