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Verification PRIMe (Publication)

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Publication Repository Information System Management

PRIME with url is a web-based application system developed as a medium for UiTM's research data management. This research system consists of:

1) Grant Application Module
2) Publication Module
3) Intellectual Property (IP) Module
4) Star Rating Module

The production of this system will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the management, administration, collaboration, reporting, consolidation, and distribution of comprehensive research-related information. More importantly, it serves as the Malaysia Research Assessment (MyRA) reference platform for UiTM's star rating.

PTAR is only responsible for validation of UiTM Publication in Publication Module.

All indexed and non-indexed publications registered are reviewed and validated by the PTAR Coordinators starting on 1 February 2021

User Guide - PRIMe

1.User manual (Ver 1.1) - Publication (Researcher)

2.User manual (Ver 1.1) - Publication (PTAR)

3.Video :User manual - Publication Module

Validation Circular (Pekeliling) 

Pekeliling Naib Canselor Bil. 3 Tahun 2021: Pelaksanaan Proses Pendaftaran dan Validasi  Penerbitan dalam Sistem Penerbitan UiTM (PRISMa)

Garis Panduan Pengurusan Semakan Dan Verifikasi Penerbitan Di Sistem Penerbitan Universiti




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